We are elated that you may be interested in attending this ETA certified Five-fold School of Ministry. Our Curriculum: The following courses are offered by KEFSM:
Biblical Beliefs
This course presents foundational Bible doctrines in a popular, easy to understand format. Covered in the course are creation and the fall of man, faith and regeneration, justification and adoption, prayer and worship, angels, Satan, resurrection and judgment and the church. (Text book: Biblical Faith)
New Testament Survey
This course brings unity and chronological sequence to New Testament study by weaving the contents of the books around a central theme-the person of Jesus Christ. Divisions are the synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, and the Pauline Epistles in chronological order, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. (Textbook: Exploring the New Testament)
Old Testament Part 1 (Genesis-Esther) and Old Testament Part 2 (Job-Malachi)
These two courses taken together provide a sweeping overview of God’s working from creation through the books of poetry and prophecy. The textbook, entitled Exploring the Old Testament, is utilized for both courses, and it includes topics such as the patriarchs, Israel’s trek to the Promise Land, David’s reign, Solomon’s kingdom, the kingdom of Judah, the exile and return from captivity. Poetry and prophecy are explored to gain insight into God’s dealings with His people and to relate these great writings of the prophets to us today. With a chronological sequence of events, historic and contextual information is readily grasped.
Christian Para-Ministry Development
Students are provided assistance and oversight for Apostolic and Prophetic focused ministries and organizations. Whether starting a new ministry, in transition, or expanding an existing one, the student will learn the leadership and organizational structure of para-ministries and the calling, responsibilities and accountability associated with leading one.
Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity
A strategy for growing toward Christ likeness must be based on the actual ways that people grow and develop into maturity in Christ. Through identifying and understanding how we grow spiritually, this course will help us to become more intentional in Bible study, prayer, lifestyle choices, evangelism, and spiritual gifts.
Understanding Music & Worship in the Church
Written with the lay person in mind, this course focuses on the important role of music and worship in the life of the church. It provides a historical overview of music and worship, biblical foundations for both, and practical instruction on how to renew both within the local church. It also introduces the student to the application and the call and power of Prophetic praise and worship in dance.
Empowered Intercessor
An intercessory prayer guide that includes guidelines on how to pray, what to pray for, when not to pray, resources for prayer, international intercession and factors that hinder prayer. In addition, students will learn and understand the responsibilities and degrees of power and anointing that rest on the life of the Intercessor. They will come to know the mind and will of God, for others, as they are ushered into the realms and dimensions of the supernatural, necessary, to be a powerful, effective and committed, end-time kingdom intercessor.
Spiritual Warfare I
This course will help the student come into the knowledge of the reality of the divine and diabolical realms of the supernatural. They will learn to discern diabolical activities and movements in operation in one’s own life, as well as, the lives of others, including the broken and the lost.
Spiritual Warfare II
This course will help the student tap into the gifts and anointing necessary to walk in kingdom authority over diabolical techniques, weapons, strategies and systems. Included is a thorough and intense study of demon agents and ambassadors and their territorial structure and formation. There will also be an examination of the kingdom keys required to gain and manifest victory over the enemy and walk in kingdom authority.
Teaching Techniques
This course focuses on the philosophical basis of methodology, looks at current learning theory research from a biblical perspective, and gives practical information on how to select and use various methods, including lecture, storytelling, panel discussion, stimulation learning, group discussion, and others.
Understanding Teaching
A biblical understanding of teaching brings appreciation for this spiritual gift. Approaching this task biblically involves empowerment from the Holy Spirit, insight into God’s Word, sharp communication skills, and accurate interaction with students.
The Power of Worship
This course is designed to provide a thorough and intense study and application into the worship realms and dimensions of the being and depths of God. Students will learn to tap into the mind and pulse of God. They will come to experience intimacy with the Spirit of God and know the power of being in relationship with God.
Christian Ethics in a Postmodern World
For the Christian, ethics must be rooted n the absolutes revealed in God’s Word to inform and nurture our moral conduct. Followers of Christ must learn to think biblically. A Christian approach to complex ethical topics in the postmodern era challenges us to identify how we relate to culture.
(Textbook: Biblical Ethics)
Effectively Leading: A Guide for All Church and Ministry Leaders
There are a wide variety of areas with which volunteer and professional church and ministry leaders must contend today. This course explains the difference in leaders who are effective and those who are efficient and what this means to the local church.
Perspectives From Church History
Written as a basic introduction to the subject, this course covers the major periods of church history: The Ancient Church, The Medieval Church, The Reformation Church, and The Modern Church. It is designed to give Christians an oversight of their spiritual heritage. (Textbook: Exploring Church History)
Understanding People
To truly understand people we must combine the rigorous formal study of developmental issues with our own observations and thorough study of Scripture. As biological, cognitive, socio-emotional, and spiritual ministry implications are addressed for each major age division, this course helps the Bible teacher to work with all ages of people more effectively.
The Ascension Gift of the Apostle
This course is an intense and thorough examination of the life and assignments of the Apostle and his/her New Testament call. It also includes an intense discussion and look into the lifestyle, mantle, responsibility, protocol and ministry of the end-time Apostle.
The Ascension Gift of the Prophet
This course is an intense and thorough examination of the life and assignments of the Old Testament and New Testament Prophets. It also includes an intense discussion and look into the lifestyle, mantle, responsibility, protocol and ministry of the end-time Prophet.
The Ascension Gift of the Evangelist
This course is an intense and thorough examination of the life and assignments of the New Testament kingdom Evangelist and the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) as it relates to the work of the Ascension gift Evangelist. It also includes an intense discussion and look into the lifestyle, mantle, responsibility, protocol and ministry challenges of the end-time Evangelist.
The Ascension Gift of the Pastor
This course is an intense and thorough examination of the life and assignments of the Old Testament and New Testament Shepherds. It also includes an intense discussion and look into the lifestyle, mantle, responsibility, passion and ministry of the end-time Pastor.
The Ascension Gift of the Teacher
This course is an intense and thorough examination of the life and assignments of the Old Testament and New Testament Teacher. It examines the lifestyle, mantle, responsibility, accountability, work and ministry of the end-time Teacher.
Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Aside from personal faith in God, is there any evidence to substantiate the claims of Christianity? You be the judge! This text is an introduction to the study of apologetics. It will take you step-by-step through the well-documented evidence in support of Christian beliefs and Scripture. Whether a skeptic or a believer, this book will help you reach a verdict that could very well change your life. (Textbook: Evidence and Truth)
World Missions Today
This course offers a historical survey of missions with emphasis on the present worldwide scene, the biblical basis of missions, and the ways all believers can get involved. Every believer’s life will be enriched with the knowledge of God’s work through His people around the world.
Ministry of Evangelism
Evangelism is the mandate for church growth today. This course covers the biblical foundations of evangelism, conversion and regeneration, how to lead a person to a decision for Christ, age-specific techniques, team efforts, visitation, discipling new believers and the importance of prayer to the overall program of evangelism.
Empowered Intercessor I
An intercessory prayer guide that includes guidelines on how to pray, what to pray for, when not to pray, resources for prayer, international intercession and factors that hinder prayer.
Broken But Not Destroyed: (Upcoming)
A complete guide to transition, jail and prison ministry. Includes guidelines for visiting and writing inmates, conducting group services inside an institution, reaching out to families of inmates and ministering on death row.
Introduction to Mentoring
This course exposes the mentor to the reality of being called by God on His behalf in the lives of the broken and the lost. This class helps equip the student by building up, empowering and presenting him/her with the qualifications, practices, challenges and principles of mentoring.
Understanding Brokenness
Students will come to understand the thoughts and behavior patterns of the lost and the broken and how to practice love and wisdom when communicating with and assisting them. They will learn the power of kingdom evangelism and how to recognize, discern and reverse the diabolical activities and strategies such as; oppression, depression, suppression, and possession that bound and influence the lost and the broken. (Text book: No More Baggage)