Welcome International Community
There is a significant end-time advance of the Body of Christ, into the international territories and regions of the world. Five-fold evangelistic and missionary teams are being mantled and mandated  to go forth into regions, nations and territories with an anointing and knowledge of the diabolical activities in this world like , never before.

If you believe that you have been called to International ministry, we want to unite in our ordained efforts, to empower the broken and the lost and to win souls for Christ, no matter what the makeup of the country or the culture is.

As a member of Our International division you will:
  • receive apostolic and prophetic oversight
  • assistance with church and ministry development
  • training, equipping and empowerment
  • prayer covering
Apostolic Church and Ministry Oversight
Training, Equipping, Empowering
Church and Ministry Assistance and  Development
Church Fellowship
FCF International

Uniting and Empowering the Nations to Walk in God's Kingdom Authority
The Movement that Brings Unity, Order and Influence to the Body of Christ