KEFCF Affiliate Application
We need your support, to spread the Lord's gospel of the kingdom throughout the world and to fulfill God's end-time kingdom mandates and assignments to KEFCF.

Click and Pay Your Yearly Affiliate Seed Assessment Here by Paypal!

"The Seeds You Sow are
the Seeds that Grow"

We thank God for the unity of the Body and the seeds that He has released to KEFCF to fulfill His end-time kingdom purpose.
Church Fellowship
The Movement that Brings Unity, Order and Influence to the Body of Christ
Name of Church, Ministry or Organization
Contact Phone Numbers
Address/include and specify mailing address if different
Name of Applicant
What do you expect as a FCF Affiliate?
Please include your area of 5-fold interest.
Current or Previous Oversight Affiliation?
Do you presently hold credentials with any organization or denomination? If yes, have you ever had any disciplinary action of any sort taken against you by any of the organizations which you have held credentials? Have any of your credentials ever been revoked or suspended? If yes, please explain:

Affiliate Periodic  Seed Payment