UCMAPI Educational and Empowerment Tools!
United Churches and Ministries
of the Apostolic and Prophetic International
Bringing the Church into Divine Order
Take your new and advanced members through an educational and empowering, life-changing encounter through the word of God on the power, process and purpose of salvation from a kingdom perspective and the 12 steps to Empowerment Advanced Members Series.
Curriculums include:
Introduction to the kingdom
God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
Purpose of Salvation
Process of Salvation
Power of Salvation
Ministering to the Broken and the Lost (advanced)
Realms of the Supernatural (advanced)
New Sunday School Curriculum!
(from a kingdom perspective Ma: 4:23, 24:14)
- Broken But Not Destroyed Calender 20010
- Power of Worship Handbook
Place your request today for your churches 20010 Sunday School Curriculum Package. Package includes:
- Teachers Handbook (1 year weekly teaching series)
- New Members Learning Series Handbook (1 year weekly teaching series)
- Advanced Members Learning Series Handbook (1 year weekly teaching series)
- Advanced Note Section and Commentary
- New Members Note Section and Commentary